species | European Robin - Erithacus rubecula |
date | July 24, 2020 |
time | 8 a.m. |
type | report |
notes | Sadly i have to report this bird found dead in Germany. He left a bird nest with two babies and three eggs. Don't know if it was the male or female one... the other bird is missing (can't see him) but the babies are still alive for 2 days... so i think the dead bird is maybe the mother and the father is maybe still there to feed the babies. The dead bird lay on the ground, many feathers around him, looks like a fight to me... maybe with a cat ?! Or another bird i don't excactly know. Pleas contact me for information about this bird if you have any. If you have any further questions feel free to ask me! (If possible in german ;) but english is also fine with me) I hope this Mail was helpful! Best regards Helge Timm from Germany |