Record: Nov. 19, 2021 Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus


species Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
date Nov. 19, 2021
time 11 a.m.
type report
notes Metal ring: MUSEUM ZOOLOG. HELSINKI FINLAND. Species, gender & age are best guesses - I'm no ornithologist, but Finland?? No attempt to fly, no sounds, no sign of physical injury, alert but unresponsive. Stroked the back of her head but she did not attempt to move away. Half-hearted attempt to eat a small piece of raw meat. Occasionally moved a metre or so when no-one looking. First noticed mid-morning, died late-afternoon, no obvious distress at any stage. Beautiful bird - 5 photos here: [Cannot upload photos, either from Firefox (PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR) or from Chromium (413 Request Entity Too Large)].




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